Chart Colors Automatically Applied in Reports and Dashboards Without Admin PermissionsDescriptionThe sys_report_chart_color setting is automatically applied when a user creates a new report or adds it to a dashboard, even if the user does not have the report_admin role. This occurs without any visible indication or error, potentially leading to confusion.Steps to Reproduce Impersonate any user who is not report_admin (Provide itil and report_user roles to a user).Create a pyramid report on any table (problem) - field (category) that doesn't already have chart colors created.Under 'Style' tab: Chart color: use several colorsLeave 'Colors' empty Save the report.End the impersonation and login as admin.Navigate to sys_report_chart_color table and notice the records are created. Expected Behavior: Should not allow creation of sys_report_chart_color because user doesn't have the report_admin role. Observed Behavior: Records are created.WorkaroundThis is expected behavior and by design in all currently supported releases.Related Problem: PRB1419851