Incident Management: OOB Email Notification contains '[code]' textIssue The 'Incident commented for ITIL' notification is appending '[code]' to the comments. This occurs when a problem ticket is resolved and the 'Fix notes' from the problem ticket is added to the Incident, triggering the notification. ReleaseXanadu Patch 2CauseThe '[code]' text is present because the 'Fix notes' field in the problem is of HTML type and it is has been identified as defect PRB1841766ResolutionAs a workaround, add the following lines of code in sys_script_include_1dc0a95e53ad2110b7edddeeff7b123e.xml after var notes = journalRec.value.trim();[code]<pre><code>notes = notes.replaceAll("[code]","");<br/>notes = notes.replaceAll("[/code]","");<br/></code></pre>[/code] The Fix for the PRB1841766 is targeted for Zurich