External user can't see image attached to description field of a record producerDescriptionIssue Description:External user can't see image attached to the description field of a record producer in csm portalSteps to Reproduce install csm portal plugins1. Access a record producer(sc_cat_item_producer) that can be accessed in csm portal for example : 'create case for a product'2. In description field under 'What it will contain tab), add an image 3. impersonate a user having snc_external role4. Access the record producer 'create case for a product' in csm portal/csm?id=sc_cat_item&sys_id=de45c412c312310015519f2974d3ae1bExpected behavior: image to be visible to external users Actual behavior: image is not accessible to external users.WorkaroundThe image uploaded the description field for the catalog item, will not be visible for an external user.Customer have to add an ACL for sys_attachment table, since the images are present as a record in that table.Related Problem: PRB1842859