Unable to alter table.column, it is a synchronized field, TPP table column changes are not supportedIssue User is trying to increase the size of the cmdb.name field (default size is 255), but the following error displays in the Dictionary Entry page: Unable to alter cmdb.name[name], it is a synchronized field. SymptomsUnable to alter cmdb.name[name] as it is a synchronized field.Factscmdb is a Table per Partition (TPP) hierarchy tableUser is trying to change the column cmdb.name max length in Dictionary Entry page. An error is receivedReleaseAllCauseColumn redefinition (for instance, for size limit) on TPP tables, such as cmdb, may lead to data issues that cannot be repaired, therefore, the ServiceNow platform does not support this type of table column changeSimilarly, ServiceNow does not support this type of change to be done directly on the database from the backendResolutionServiceNow Now Support may not accept requests to perform changes on a TPP table field/column, i.e., a synchronized field"\For information on what is TPP, see The Table Per Partition (TPP) Extension ModelAlternatively, create a new custom field to accommodate the needed data; for existing records in cmdb, consider copying the values from the native column cmdb.name to the new field; conduct extensive testing before proceeding to release to production use. This alternative approach is provided just as a suggestion and the customer bears the whole responsibility regarding risks, and impact on their existing functionality