AWA Queue Number Not Automatically Filled**IssueThe Advanced Work Assignment (AWA) Queue number is not automatically being filled like the rest of the forms. The customer has confirmed that the default out-of-the-box functionality to auto-fill the queue number is enabled, but it is not working as expected.Steps to Reproduce1. Navigate to Advanced Work Assignment > Settings > Queues.2. Click "New".3. The number field should show as mandatory and empty at this moment.Cause1. Some business rules for the AWA queue table were updated to old versions.2. Property: glide.itil.assign.number.on.insert was set to true.Resolution1. Be sure there is not any customization on the business rules with sys_ids- sys_id=4659d132d7232100b6bddb0c8252039e- sys_id=43762b429333310063d3941e867ffb31- sys_id=c6755b029333310063d3941e867ffb84- sys_id=5317eb429333310063d3941e867ffb51- sys_id=899aef429333310063d3941e867ffb5c2. Be sure to set Property: glide.itil.assign.number.on.insert to false.3. Perform a operation.4. Create a new queue, and the number should be correctly filled.