CMDB Health Dashboard Score Card Calculation [from Xanadu release]SummaryFrom the Xanadu release, the CMDB Health Dashboard has been redesigned and moved to the CMDB Workspace. Key changes to the CMDB Health Dashboard dashboard include:1. PA "CMDB Health Dasobhards" are no longer supported. The dashboard has been deleted and is no longer available for new and Zbooted instances.2. Simplified scoring: - The overall health score concept has been removed and no longer appears in CMDB Health dashboards or views.- The concept of weighted averages and scorecard thresholds, which specify the ranges of health states, has been removed.- The KPI [Completeness, Correctness, Compliance] score is now calculated as the ratio of all failed CIs across sub-metrics to the total CIs across those sub-metrics.3. Failure limits: The maximum health failures for each metric (e.g., Required, Recommended) are now capped at 100K, regardless of the failure threshold setting in Health Preferences. Below is an overview of how scores are calculated for each KPI (Correctness, Completeness, Compliance):a. Duplicate: 184470 Healthy CIs [Non-Duplicate] out of 185610 total; score: 184470/185610 ==> 99%.b. Orphan: 185610 Healthy CIs [Non-Orphan] out of 185610 total; score: 185610/185610 ==>100%.c. Staleness: 128290 Healthy CIs [Non-Stale] out of 185610 total; score: 128290/185610 ==> 69%. Correctness: 5840 Unhealthy CIs in total [Duplicate: 1140 CIs; Stale: 57320 CIs], resulting in a 69% score [127150 healthy out of 185610].