Special Handling Notes Popup is Not Displaying in WorkspaceIssue The Special Handling Notes popup on tasks in CSM/FSM configurable workspace is not showing up as expected. They still functioning completely as expected in Core view. ReleaseAllCauseThe most probable cause of the issue is the system property "sn_shn.note_preferences" being set to false. According to the documentation, this property (Display special handling notes only once per session) should be set to true.Resolution1. Go to the Special Handling Notes properties as mentioned in the documentation. https://www.servicenow.com/docs/bundle/xanadu-customer-service-management/page/product/customer-service-management/task/t_EnableOnScreenAlertProperties.html 2. Set "Display special handling notes only once per session" to true. Clear the cache and test.3. Test this fix in the sub-prod and verify before doing it in the prod instance.