Visualizations charts are not loading when we are selecting group by as "Value" and type as column to vertical/horizontal barDescriptionIssues related to Visualizations charts:- Visualizations charts are empty when Group by field is selected as 'Value' and visualisation type as vertical/horizontal bar- Visualizations charts are loading when Group by field is selected as 'Value' and visualisation type as 'column'Steps to Reproduce Add a data visualization to a dashboard Select type as bars (ex: Vertical/Horizontal)Select the data source as an indicatorSelect Group by field as 'Value' Save the changes Notice that the chart is not renderingWorkaroundAs a workaround, please change the name of that custom field in the dictionary to be something else other than 'Value'.For example: 'Value1' or 'Value_score'... or whatever other name. That way the grouping should start working again. Fix for this issue is available in upcoming Yokohama release. Related Problem: PRB1822706Related Problem: PRB1822706