sys_db_object -> Related List -> Database Indexes: Cannot filter on Index or Column. "Show Matching" results in empty list.Descriptionsys_db_object -> Related List -> Database Indexes: Cannot filter on Index or Column. "Show Matching" results in empty list.Steps to Reproduce 1. sys_db_object.list2. select cmdb table such as "cmdb_ci" and view form3. Related Lists -> Database Indexes will show the list of current database indexes4. Attempting to filter that list on either "Index" or "Column", either by "Show Matching" or magnifying glass filter returns no values, no matter what5. You can right click on a value in the list, select "Show Matching" for that specific value, and the resulting list says "No records to display"6. In Washington DC, breadcrumb doesn't always show the selected value e.g. "Reference Table = Configuration Item > column = "WorkaroundThis problem is currently under review and targeted to be fixed in a future release. Subscribe to this Known Error article to receive notifications when more information will be available.Related Problem: PRB1759497