Contractor field is missing on Audit People Involed form when Person type "Contractor" is chosenDescriptionWhen attempting to create a new "People Involved" record under an Audit record, the "Contractor" field is not visible when "Contractor" is selected as the Person Type.Steps to Reproduce Environment Details: Glide Version: Vancouver, WashingtonDC, XanaduH&S RM Version: 4.0.0, 4.0.1 Steps to Reproduce: Log in as a Safety Audit Manager.Navigate to an Audit Record and create a new People Involved record.In the form, select Contractor as the Person Type. Expected Result:The Contractor field should be displayed when Contractor is selected as the Person Type. Actual Result:The Contractor field is not visible in the form despite selecting Contractor as the Person Type.WorkaroundOpen the People Involved form.Access the configuration options by selecting either Form Design or Form Builder.Switch to the Audit view from the available form views.Locate the Contractor field in the Fields section.Drag and drop the Contractor field into the form layout, placing it below the Visitor field.Click Save to apply the changes.Related Problem: PRB1827358