Unable to publish model linked to intent that are in disabled state or associated with topicsSummaryWhen there is a NLU model and it has disabled intents that are mapped to VA topics, we will not be able to publish the NLU model. Sample Error: ReleaseAllInstructionsThere are 3 ways you can resolve this issue: You need to enable the disabled intent in order to publish the NLU model. (Navigate to the URL and enter the disabled intents : /sys_nlu_intent_list.do?sysparm_query=model.display_nameSTARTSWITHlulu%20Setup%20Topics%20Model%5EnameIN&sysparm_first_row=1&sysparm_view= ) OR, 2. Remove the intents from the corresponding NLU model (/sys_nlu_model.do?sys_id=<Enter the sys_id for the model>) => Under Related List : > NLU Intents > Search the above NLU model names having the. issue and remove it. OR, 3. (the one that i recommend) : > Remove the NLU intent ID field for all the above shown in the error by navigating to the URL below and enter the nlu intent id/names seen in the error: /sys_cs_topic_language_list.do?sysparm_query=nlu_model_label%3Dlulu%20Setup%20Topics%20Model%5Enlu_intentIN%2C&sysparm_first_row=1&sysparm_view= Then, you will need to re-train and re-publish the model.