DOC Team: Discovered Azure resource tagsDescription page contains a link to an XLSX sheet which explains required permissions to discover clouds. It also lists patterns and if there is a tag word in "Official Resource Type" column a pattern will populate tags.Steps to Reproduce Open and you will notice Azure - Private Gateway (LP) will discover resource and it's tags.WorkaroundThis section provides tag details from in a separate table to help everybody understand which patterns will populate tags for which resources. PatternResourceTag Azure - Application LB (LP) Azure - Availability Set (LP)microsoft.compute/availabilitysetsYES Azure - Availability Zone (LP)locationsN/A Azure - Classic LB (LP) Azure - Express Route Circuit (LP) Azure - File Share (LP) Azure Functionsmicrosoft.web/sites/functionsYES Azure - Hardware Type (LP)list of available vm sizesN/A Azure - Host (LP)microsoft.compute/virtualmachinesYES Azure - Host (LP)microsoft.compute/hostgroups/hostsYES Azure - Image (LP)microsoft.compute/imagesYES Azure - Kubernetes Discovery and Schedule Creatormicrosoft.containerservice/managedclustersNO Azure - Local Network Gateway (LP) Azure - NAT Gateway (LP) Azure - Network and Subnet (LP) Azure - NIC (LP) Azure - Private DNS Zone (LP) Azure - Private Gateway (LP) Azure - Public IP (LP) Azure - Resource Group (LP)microsoft.resources/subscriptions/resourcegroupsYES Azure - Security Group (LP) Azure - SQL Server (LP)microsoft.sqlvirtualmachine/sqlvirtualmachinesNO Azure - Storage Account (LP) Azure - Storage Blobs(LP)storage blobsN/A Azure - Storage Container(LP)storage containersN/A Azure - Storage Volume (LP)microsoft.compute/disksYES Azure - Sub Account (LP)Microsoft.Management/managementGroupN/A Azure - Virtual Machine (LP)microsoft.compute/virtualmachinesYES Azure - Virtual Network Gateway Connection (LP) Azure - VM Scale Set (LP)microsoft.compute/virtualmachinescalesetsYES Azure Application Gateway TD (LBS) Azure Application LB Azure Availability Set Eventmicrosoft.compute/availabilitysetsYES Azure Classic LB Azure Database/providers/Microsoft.Sql, DBforPostgreSQL, DBforMySQL, DocumentDB, CacheYES Azure Datacenter discoverylocationsN/A Azure DNS Zones HDDNS name, DNS aliasN/A Azure Express Route Circuit Azure - Key Vault Certificateskey vault certificatesYES Related Problem: PRB1813711