Inbound email was marked as "Received-Ignored" but processed successfully after clicking on "Reprocess Email."Issue The inbound email was marked as "Received-Ignored" with the error message: "Email set to received-ignored because its size exceeds the value set in" (OR) "Email set to receive-ignored because its size exceeds the value set in" indicating that the email will not be processed further. However, if the "Reprocess Email" option is selected from the email record, the system successfully processes the same email again, overriding its initial ignored status.ReleaseAllCauseWhen an inbound email exceeds the size limit set by the property (which defaults to 524,288 characters), the system flags the email with the status "Received-Ignored", this indicates that the email body was too large to process. However, when the Reprocess Email button is clicked, the email gets successfully processed, albeit with a truncated body. This happens because the system, when downloading the email via POP3, only retrieves the portion of the email body up to the configured character limit. For example, if the property is set to 1,000 characters, but an inbound email has a body of 2,000 characters, the system will truncate the email body at 1,000 characters and ignore the rest. The first 1,000 characters are stored in the system, and when the "Reprocess Email" button is clicked, only that stored portion (1,000 characters) will be processed successfully without any issues.ResolutionLog in to the instance as an Administrator.In the navigation filter, type "sys_properties.list".Click the New button to create a new property. Enter the following details:- Name: Type: Integer- Value: Configure this value according to the typical size of emails received in the instance.Related LinksThe property "" has been obsoleted as of the London release, but still been used in email log when downloading huge size of email via POP then email set to received-ignored. [Message body size limit properties](