Below error is thrown in syslog: ASYNC: com.glide.script.RhinoEcmaError: Expected argument of type object, but instead had type undefined.DescriptionBelow error is thrown in syslog: ASYNC: com.glide.script.RhinoEcmaError: Expected argument of type object, but instead had type undefined.Steps to Reproduce 1) Open the Service Configuration Item Associations table ("svc_ci_assoc")2) Find a Configuration Item that is associated with at least two different entries, both of which must be for a Dynamic CI Group service with a classification of "Technical Service"3) Delete an entry, ensuring one of the REMAINING entries is the Dynamic CI Group with classification of "Technical Service"4) Business Rule "CSDM Data Sync on removed association" should fire, which launches a dynamic job and calls "DMCMDBUtil().updateCiOnAssocDelete()".5) Ensure the code enters the "Object.keys(dcgs).forEach(function(dcg)" code.6) Note that the error message is generated due to the call to "getAssocTSOsFromDCG" returning null.WorkaroundModify script include: CSDMCMDBUtilchange line 246:from:if (Object.keys(sos).length > 0) { toif (sos != "undefined" && sos !=null && sos != "" && Object.keys(sos).length > 0) { Related Problem: PRB1800358