Discovery ADM/Process Classifiers put the wrong CI in subsequent Probe ecc_queue outputs, leading to data from the Application updated in the Computer CI and not the application CIDescriptionAfter The ADM Probe runs, matching process classifiers will trigger probes specific to applications. The code involved in specifying the CI to put in the probe output is in script include ApplicationDependencyMapping , and is putting the parent computer CI in, instead of the application CI. This means the Computer rather than Application CI gets updated/overwritten. Application CI fields do not get updated. This would potentially affect the following probes: nameecc_queue_namedescriptionHBase - Configurationcat ${filename}Gather HBase configuration informationHBase - Main Class${jps} -lv | grep ^${processID}Used to get the main Class of the running HBase process, as ps cannot return the full HBase command line.HBase - Versionsh ${} ${hbase_home}Gather HBase version informationKVM - Node Infovirsh capabilitiesNginx - Get Configurationsh ${} ${nginx_cfg}Gather Nginx configuration detailsNginx - Versionsh ${} ${nginx_command}Gather Nginx version informationOracle - Listener Detailssh ${} ${oracle_home} ${listener}Get the details of a specific Oracle listenerPuppet - Master Infosh ${}Gather Puppet Master informationUnix - MongoDB Configurationcat ${filename}Gather MongoDB configuration informationUnix - MongoDB Version${command} -versionGather Mongodb version informationVMWare - vCenterVMWarevCenterProbeProbe to get information from vCenter about ESX hosts, resource pools, and virtual machines. Implementation details for this probe are located in a MID server script include called VMWarevCenterProbe.VMWare - vCenter DatacentersVMWarevCenterDatacentersProbeProbe to get information about a vCenter's datacenters. The sensor will fire a probe for each type of vCenter object in each datacenter: VMs, explored by the "VMWare - vCenter VMs" probe, clusters, explored by the "VMWare - vCenter Clusters" probe, datastores, explored by the "VMWare - vCenter Datastores" probe, and networks, explored by the "VMWare - vCenter Networks" probe.This probe's implementation is located in a MID server script include named VMWarevCenterDatacentersProbe.As of the Istanbul release this probe replaces the "VMWare - vCenter" probe for Discovery.WebSphere - Get cell.xmlcat ${filename}Retrieve WebSphere cell.xml for Cell informationWebSphere - Get server.xmlcat ${filename}Retrieve WebSphere server.xml for Cell informationWebSphere - Get serverindex.xmlcat ${filename}Retrieve WebSphere server.xml for Cell informationWindows - MongoDB ConfigurationWindowsCommand: Get MongoDB ConfigurationGather Mongodb configurationWindows - MongoDB VersionWindowsCommand: Get MongoDB VersionGather Mongodb version informationWindows - WebSphere - CellWindows - WebSphere - CellRetrieve WebSphere cell.xml for Cell informationWindows - WebSphere - Web ApplicationsWindows - WebSphere - Web ApplicationsRetrieve WebSphere serverindex.xml for Web Application informationWindows - WebSphere - Web ServicesWindows - WebSphere - Web ServicesRetrieve WebSphere server.xml for Server informationSteps to Reproduce Using NGINX on a Linux server an an exampleIn Vancouver, Discover a host so that an NGINX CI is created, that will have version populated.Upgrade to Washington DCClear out the Version value from existing application CIDiscover the Linux hostNote that the e.g. Version is not re-populated in the NGINX CI Inspect the ecc_queue input, and you will see the version data is there, but the cmdb_ci parameter is not the Application CI. Instead it is the host CI: <name>${command} -version</name><payload>...<output>{"current":{"version":"6.0.16"}}</output>...<parameter name="probe_name" value="Unix - MongoDB Version"/>...<parameter name="cmdb_ci" value="eeda56461b0f0950036c0e93604bcbdd"/>... This has been seen in these situations:- Get MongoDB Version probe doesn't update Version- NGINX - Version probe updates the short_description of the server, with the NGINX short description This problem applies from Washington DC, and works in Vancouver.WorkaroundThis problem is currently under review and targeted to be fixed in a future release. Subscribe to this Known Error article to receive notifications when more information will be available.Related Problem: PRB1804276