Currency pencil icon shows on the right of currency fieldSummaryAfter you populated value on the [Currency] field and the [Price] field, the pencil icon (edit link) will appear on the right side of the field.- Click the pencil icon near to [Currency] field to redirect to the fx_currency_instance table record- Click the pencil icon near to [Price] field to redirect to the fx_price table record ReleaseAll releasesInstructionsThere are two ways to hide the pencil icon from the UI. [Method 1] Add the following system property, then clear the instance cache (https://<instance-name> -> Clear Cache) ----------Name: glide.ui.currency.hide_pencilType: stringValue: true *NOTE: This will only hide the pencil icon for the [Currency] field, but not for the [Price] field due to the hard core [Method 2] Switch instance to single-currency mode by following the doc as below, in single currency mode, all of pencil icons will be hidden ServiceNow Doc - Single-currency mode KB0751553 - Currency and Price frequently asked questions Section: [How can I switch to single-currency mode?]