Excessive error messages "CSRF validation failed" logged.Please verify csrf token passed with the request matches with csrf token in session: no thrown errorIssue Observing significant amount of log errors related to the below:"CSRF validation failed. Please verify csrf token passed with the request matches with csrf token in session: no thrown error"This errors are not limited to the example date, we see these frequently.Resolution-->The logs you saw on the instance is hitting the PRB 'PRB1782128' and it is fixed on 'Xanadu' release. -->There is no impact on the instance, you can simply ignore them. -->Below is the link: https://support.servicenow.com/nav_to.do?uri=problem.do?sys_id=b9cbe7f9470fc210d6b59535126d4363 to address this defect.-->You can subscribe to Problem for more updates. Also the PRB "PRB1782128" is still applicable even when we have the property glide.security.csrf.strict.validation.mode to true as well---- Yes. Irrespective of this property we see error logs.