Manage HR Catalog page errors - "Error loading request configuration"DescriptionWhen navigating to Manage HR Catalog page, the catalog shows as blank with a popup error "Error loading request configuration" and console errors.Steps to Reproduce Steps:1. Install sn_hr_core plugin2. Navigate to All -> Manage HR Catalog page (or) catalog pages like Technical catalog/Service catalog OR All -> Application view Error showing on popup:"Error loading request configuration" with empty catalog page Error showing up in console:Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ')' (at js_includes_ng_dc.jsx?v=03-31-2024_1950&lp=Tue_Apr_02_04_07_29_PDT_2024&c=9_123:22521:135172)angular_includes_1.5.11.jsx?v=03-31-2024_1950:7 Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr]$injector/modulerr?WorkaroundThere is no workaround possible. Customers will need to upgrade to Washington Patch 7 or later to get the fix as it will be backported to Washington Patch 7 and Xanadu Patch 1.Related Problem: PRB1785629