On a VTB, can the 'Add Card' or 'Add Lane' buttons in Visual Task Boards be modified to show a different text?Issue On a VTB, can the 'Add Card' or 'Add Lane' buttons in Visual Task Boards be modified to show a different text?ReleaseAnyCause The "Add card" and "Add LAne" options are hard coded into the angular code for the VTB page. It shows up for any user who can write to the board. Unfortunately, there is no OOB method for removing the Add Card button from just the $vtb.do page. It is possible to hide them with ACLs that restrict create permissions on the task table; however, this approach applies that restriction to the whole platform rather than just on VTBs. See KB0717253 (https://hi.service-now.com/kb_view.do?sys_kb_id=cc68f617dbe9e7409a64e15b8a9619f0)ResolutionIf this is something needed then please reach out to the idea portal. You will have to submit this enhancement request using our idea portal as per the following kb guidelines KB0755878 Please keep in mind that, we can't guarantee that it will be included in future releases. There are several factors that contribute for an enhancement request to be fulfilled, and even the ones we think are great ideas might not necessarily become part of our product.