Conversational Analytics: Data Migration to PAR-Based Analytics DashboardDescription This article focuses on migrating data to a PAR-based Conversational Analytics dashboard. Release or EnvironmentXANADU OnwardsInstructionsThe following snippet assists in migrating the data for the specified date range. After setting the date range, execute the following code snippet from the background script in the sn_ci_analytics scope. var startDate = "2024-04-10"; var endDate = "2024-04-11"; new sn_ci_analytics.CAPARDataMigration().migrate(startDate, endDate); When setting the data range, please consider the following points: Ensure startDate and endDate are valid dates.startDate must not be earlier than endDate.The difference between startDate and endDate should not exceed 180 days.The number of conversations between startDate and endDate must not exceed the allowed limit (default is 300,000). The limit can be adjusted by setting the system property Additional InformationNote: It is recommended to migrate the data in small batches to avoid performance issues.