How to use "link to destination" event to redirect single score data visulization to Simple List in configurable workspaceSummaryIn addition to the instructions provided from the following documents: Link an event to another page Exercise: Open Lists from a Data Visualization If users are still unable to get redirection from a single score data visualization to an actual list in workspace to work correctly, the following steps in this article would hopefully help.ReleaseThis applies to all environments that use configurable workspace and UI Builder.InstructionsCreate a data visualization component using single score as its type as normal (see Single score visualization example for further information if needed)On this component's events, under Visualization Clicked, Choose "Link to destination" Click on "Select destination" on the flyout windowExpand Pages and select "Simple List"Fill out the fields as appropriate. The 2 most important fields to fill out are:tablequeryFill these out as:table: @payload.params.table query: @payload.params.query **Ensure to select 'binding' instead of 'use static input' when writing the values; these are the 2 small icons on top-right on each field