Connecting to sharepointLogin to servicenow instance as admin Once OneDrive connection is configured successfully , next step is to add the sharepoint details to onedrive provider.Access mp_provider_detail.LIST table in the instance and open OneDrive Provider record. Modify the source field from "root" to "site". Enter the sharepointId in sourceId field. update the record. example : TO : {"source":"site","sourceId":",b9477bc0-c7fa-49d9-98b2-2bbe6b952187,6fbf6eac-d87a-474b-86e4-bf450c3c39c5"} How to get the sharepointID from a sharepoint : Go to graph explorer in developer microsoft site. 2. Enter site in search queries in left search bar. 3. Select "search sites" under "search" in results. 4. log in to your microsoft account where you have accesss to the sharepoint you want to configure. At top right corner select the user icon and signin . 4. Enter the name of the sharepoint you want to configure in the queryString. 5. Run query , you will find id in the response . 6. Copy the sharepointID and paste it in the sourceid field mentioned above.