Flow Designer - REST Step Request Body[Text] character limitIssue In Flow Designer - REST Step Request Body[Text] - When setting up an outbound HTTP REST Step that is supposed to utilize a large amount of data pills within the flow action, one may face an issue that the amount of characters needing to be less than 10,000. If the character exceed the maximum limit, the flow will not be published and will throw an error. CauseThis is caused by the max length field on the body field for the rest step. The default value is 10000https://<instance>.service-now.com/sys_flow_step_definition_input.do?sys_id=6c6073f1c71003007b237f48cb97633b&sysparm_record_rows=38&sysparm_record_target=sys_flow_step_definition_input&sysparm_record_list=model%3D07a762fb47222200b4fad7527c9a7129%5EORDERBYorder&sysparm_record_row=20 List View https://<instance>.service-now.com/sys_flow_step_definition_input_list.do?sysparm_nostack=true&sysparm_query=sys_idSTARTSWITH6c6073f1c71003007b237f48cb97633b&sysparm_first_row=1&sysparm_view=ResolutionIncrease the value to the required limit (Example - 15000/20000). The field is locked for form/list edits, and also cannot be updated via XML. Hence a fix script/background script is the way to update value. Below is an example fix script with setWorkflow(false) and amend the value:var grFlowStepDefinition = new GlideRecord("sys_flow_step_definition_input");grFlowStepDefinition.addEncodedQuery("sys_idSTARTSWITH6c6073f1c71003007b237f48cb97633b"); //Request Body[Text]grFlowStepDefinition.query();if (grFlowStepDefinition.next()) {grFlowStepDefinition.setWorkflow(false);grFlowStepDefinition.max_length = 50000;grFlowStepDefinition.update();}