Impersonated session loses impersonation when redirected to a different nodeDescriptionWhen an impersonating user session is redirected to a different node, impersonation is lost. This redirection may occur for various reasons, such as the initial node being unavailable, but it results in the loss of impersonation.Steps to Reproduce Note: Although these STR might seem contrived at first, load balancers are able to redirect traffic to different nodes at willFor simplicity, these steps were written without requiring a load balancer; a more realistic setup would be to have a load balancer in front of two nodes, which redirects traffic from one node to the other after impersonating.1) Setup a two-node instance with both nodes independently accessible via URL (or use a load balancer as described above)2) Log in to either node3) After log-in, click the user icon in the top-right corner, and choose "Impersonate user"4) Impersonate any user5) After successfully impersonating, immediately switch to the other node without doing anything elseExpected: The session should seamlessly switch to the new node and maintain the user's impersonationObserved: The session does seamlessly switch to the new node, but the impersonation status is lostWorkaroundThis is expected behavior and by design in all currently supported releases.Related Problem: PRB1685455