Dependencies are not copied from BIA into BCPIssue When BIA is added to the Scope in the BCP, the expectation is that the dependencies (assets) of the BIA are copied over. However, they are not. CauseChange in behavior - as of BCM V 6, the user is expected to click on "Update Dependencies".ResolutionThe user is expected to click on "Update Dependencies" to copy over the dependencies. Related LinksThe time it takes to update dependencies depends on a combination of: - the dependency update configuration plan (ref table: sn_bcp_dependency_update_config) - the number of levels that are traversed. The dependency update configuration plan is configured to use CMDB, BIA downstream dependencies and BIA upstream dependencies. Depending on the number of assets and their relationships, this can take a long time. One can remove CMDB from this list if necessary, so that the dependencies are picked up only from the BIA downstream and upstream dependencies. The table is sn_bcp_dependency_update_config and comes with one entry, OOB, called "Plan" where the sources are set to "CMDB, BIA Upstream dependencies, BIA downstream dependencies". Please note : The change will be effective for subsequent dependency updates only, i.e., if the initial run included CMDB, then the assets pulled from CMD would remain and only the BIA upstream and downstream dependencies will be updated. The number of levels that are traversed can be controlled by the system property "sn_grc_rel_config.max_levels ". This is a part of the Data Relationships Framework that supports the BCM application with the underlying framework to fetch the dependencies in the BIAs, plans, and events from different sources. Starting with Vancouver, it is installed along with BCM application. This is the doc link: