How to hide "Funds" tab on DemandSummaryHow to hide "Funds" tab from demand?InstructionsSTEPS TO REPRODUCE: 1. Hop into instance 2. Open Demand record3. Click on Cost Plans tab in related list4. Click on the Manage button5. Hide the "Funds" tab that are currently displayed SOLUTION: To hide "Funds" tab you have to follow the steps as below: i) Please note that we can hide "Funds" tab if we make demand to non-fundable ii) Please install a plugin "Investment funding > sn_invst_pln_v2" iii) After installing the plugin you will be able to view investment Entities in your filter navigator iv) Open Investment Entities and you will see all the fundable entities there. v) Open "Demand" record and deactivate it vi) As soon as you will deactivate it, Demands tab will not be visible anymore. Screenshots are attached for the reference