Input comments will be cleared when added an attachment in the CSM ticket pageDescriptionInput comments will be cleared when added an attachment in the CSM ticket page same happens when we paste an imageSteps to Reproduce Steps:1. Login to the instance as admin.2. Open /csm portal. Go to requests and then choose > all requests > all cases3. Open any record/case3. Add some text in the editor (comments text box) in the activity tab (Do not click on submit, just add some text)4. Paste an image in the comment text field OR go to Attachments tab and add any attachmentExpeted: Image to be pasted and wait for the user to submitActual: the comment autoposts without the text that was typed beforehand.WorkaroundNavigate to this url and add new widget parameter "disableStdRecordWatcher" and set the value to true. https://<Instance>/ Problem: PRB1745441