Mid server keeps going down and comes online when a user logs in on mid server hostIssue Mid server keep going down intermittently and log shows error as certificate missing in the connection 2024-04-24T18:35:44.697-0500 ERROR (ECCQueueMonitor.1) [RemoteGlideRecord:918] getRecords failed (org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException: Session contains no certificates - Untrusted) 2024-04-24T18:35:44.697-0500 ERROR (ECCQueueMonitor.1) [MIDRemoteGlideRecord:174] org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException: Session contains no certificates - Untrusted com.service_now.mid.MIDRemoteGlideRecord$RetryableException: org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException: Session contains no certificates - Untrusted at com.service_now.mid.MIDRemoteGlideRecord.handleResult(MIDRemoteGlideRecord.java:140) at com.service_now.mid.MIDRemoteGlideRecord.lambda$query$2(MIDRemoteGlideRecord.java:89) Mid will not update its last stopped date time value. Mid comes up online when any user logs in to mid server host.ReleaseAllCauseCustomer has this setup = palo alto user ID authentication. Any customer user when logs in to the mid server host fixes the issue and mid comes back up fine.The Network config has a setup where firewall needs a username - password to authenticate connection. As mid server connection is an automated process of HTTP request it does not have any username - password to authenticate Reference doc found online = https://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/pan-os/10-1/pan-os-web-interface-help/user-identificationhttps://docs.paloaltonetworks.com/pan-os/10-1/pan-os-admin/user-id/map-ip-addresses-to-users/map-ip-addresses-to-usernames-using-captive-portal/configure-captive-portalResolutionThis is to be reviewed and fixed by Customer's Network team. The suspected root cause is due to a Network setup of Palo alto user ID authentication.