Read-only role "sn_ppm_read" cannot view Project or Top Project field dataUser Samwise Gamgee was provided the "sn_ppm_read" role and was confused as to why he could not see the Project or Top Project fields in reports or on the pm_project_task table. After investigation, it was found that this is the same behavior experienced in an Out of Box (OOB) instance. Users who only possess the "sn_ppm_read" role do not have access to read against these fields. Past cases, case tasks to ServiceNow Development, and PRBs (Product defects) did not yield any data to suggest that this was not the intended, by-design behavior. As a result, the solution provided to Samwise was to have his administrator create read ACLs for the desired fields (e.g. "Project" and "Top project") and add to the "sn_ppm_read" role to each respective ACL. Finally, Samwise was instructed to be sure to clear the cache (typing "" in the left-navigator and pressing "Enter" on his keyboard) as ACL results cache.