MID Server performance issue from ECCSender when 0 size xml files in ECCSender foldersDescriptionIf an XML file of 0 size is in an ECCSender output directory (agent\work\monitors\ECCSender\output_...), ECCSender thread repeatedly tries to send it, using large amounts of memory and CPU time, without generating any log messages. It will continue until the files are manually deleted.Steps to Reproduce On the command line of a Linux MID Server (also affects Windows, but touch is a linux command), in a mid server directory, run:touch work/monitors/ECCSender/output_0/ecc_queue.b82bab211b69c25077c7cb7b234bcb12.xmlThis should create an empty file for ECCSender to try to send. Expected behaviour: We would expect to see an error message for the malformed file, and deletion of the file, followed by normal operation. Actual behaviour: Instead, you will see elevated memory and CPU usage as ECCSender runs again and again trying to send the file, which will remain on the filesystem indefinitely.WorkaroundThis problem is fixed in Xanadu. Upgrade if and when you can. Deleting the zero size xml records within the agent\work\monitors\ECCSender\output_... folders will provide relief for the performance issue. If more records appear, root cause will need investigating. If it's urgent, and you don't have access to the MID Server host yet, and the MID Server remains Up and responsive, this method could be used to delete the files:KB1772455 Remotely deleting ECC Queue inputs from the MID Server ECCSender foldersRelated Problem: PRB1759604