How to resolve JamF Pro Classic API Basic Authentication DeprecationIssue Deprecations and Removals Updated 17 April 2024 The Jamf Admin deprecation notice has been revised to clarify information about alternative solutions. Per: Jamf Pro Release Notes 11.4.0"Basic authentication—Basic authentication in the Classic API is no longer enabled by default for new Jamf Pro instances for enhanced security.To disable Basic authentication before support is removed, navigate to Settings > User accounts and groups, click Password Policy, and then deselect the Allow Basic authentication in addition to Bearer Token authentication checkbox." This message is regarding the support of basic authentication to classic APIs.ReleaseAll ReleasesCauseWe support Bearer token-based authentication from version 10.35.0 of Jamf Pro. From this version the classic API accepts tokens, even if in setup it is asking for a username and password and storing in the basic auth table, we are hitting the endpoint [/v1/auth/tokens] to generate tokens and using the same for authentication instead of passing username and password like we used to do in basic authentication.ResolutionFrom the JamF Pro API Overview: Jamf Pro API Overview The Jamf Pro API leverages the same User Accounts and Groups functionality of Jamf Pro as the Classic API, but uses a token-based authentication scheme. In order to perform successful requests to the Jamf Pro API you must present a valid token in the Authorization header of each request. The workflow of requesting an initial token and using that token in API requests is outlined below: Using basic authentication, request a Bearer Token by sending a POST to /v1/auth/token.You should receive a response that includes a token and an expiration date similar to the following example: { "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9...", "expires": "2022-01-24T21:35:20.373Z" } You can use the previously generated token to make calls to any other Jamf Pro API endpoint by including it in a header using the format Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_VALUE