Now Assist Q&A Genius Results are not generating answers on custom Knowledge tables and/or custom fields that contain the knowledge text from which the Now LLM Service is able to generate concise, actionable answers fromSummaryNow Assist Q&A Genius Results use the Now LLM Service to generate concise, actionable answers from Knowledge article results in the Service Portal, Virtual Agent, Employee Centre, and global searches, and works as expected for the out-of-box Knowledge [kb_knowledge] table, and its child tables. For every Knowledge [kb_knowledge] table, and its child tables that are used for LLM based QnA, there should be a corresponding mapping in the 'Field Settings & Mappings' on that table for the 'text' fields where it uses the text in these fields to generate the LLM based QnA answer. Therefore, if you have created a custom knowledge table with a custom field or created a custom field in an out-of-box Knowledge table that contains the knowledge text, you will need to ensure the mapping exists on the Indexed Source on the Knowledge [kb_knowledge] otherwise the LLM based QnA will not be able to generate the answer.InstructionsThe Now Assist for Search will not return Q&A results, when the text for the Now LLM generated answer is contained in a custom field and/or a custom Knowledge tables that has not been configured on the Indexed Source for table [kb_knowledge]. When the 'text' map_to record for the custom field containing the text has been added, and re-indexed for the configuration to take effect, the Now Assist for Search will start working with the Now LLM being able to generate the answer from the custom knowledge text. For example, if you have created a custom Knowledge table [u_kb_template_now_how_to] extended of [kb_knowledge], you first add the custom table in the Child Tables on the Indexed Source for the Knowledge Table [kb_knowledge]. If the knowledge text is in a custom field "u_kb_details" on the custom table [u_kb_template_now_how_to] , in the Field Settings & Mapping, you then add a new 'text' map_to record on the custom field "u_kb_details" on the custom table [u_kb_template_now_how_to]. Note: When creating the new 'text' map_to Field Setting, you must first select the map_to Attribute before selecting the Source and Field from the drop-down lists. Therefore, for any custom Knowledge tables that are configured as a child table on the Indexed Source for table [kb_knowledge], you need to ensure the custom field containing the article text is mapped to the 'text' attribute, so that the LLM based QnA feature is able to extract the text to be sent to the LLM, instead of sending empty text to the LLM, when the 'text' attribute is missing or mapped to an incorrect field that does not contain the QnA text. IMPORTANT NOTE: Once the child table and 'text' mapping have been added, you will need to click on the "Index All Tables" button for the configuration change to take effect. We're also working to enhance this logic of deriving the 'text' fields automatically, so that these manual steps do not have to be applied for every custom table, but that will take a while to be available. Therefore, for now you will need to follow these steps to manually add the 'text' attribute mapping on the custom field containing the article text, so that the Now LLM based QnA feature is able to extract the text to generate the answer based on the search term provided.