CNO for Visibility Advanced Configuration OptionsEach of the parameters below can be configured using the --set command in the Helm chart, or by setting an environment variable in the k8s_informer.yaml file. Helm ParameterEnvironment VariableDescription Default ValueclusterNameCLUSTER_NAMEThe Kubernetes cluster name as should be reflected in the CMDBNonesendIntervalSecSEND_INTERVAL_SECThe time window in seconds for accumulating changes arriving from the API server before preparing payload to be sent to the instanc10eccSenderIntervalSecECC_SENDER_INTERVAL_SECThe interval (in seconds) in which the ECC sender may insert records to the ECC queue30maxElapsedTimeMsMAX_ELAPSED_TIME_MSWhen the elapsed time of sending ECC message exceeds this number (in miliseconds), the informer will assume the instance is loaded and will back off10000maxCiInMessageMAX_CI_IN_MESSAGEThe maximum number of items in a single accumulated payload. When we reach this number, we prepare the payload for sending and start a new payload50refreshTimeMinREFRESH_TIME_MINIf the time between now and the last time the item was reported exceeds this value, we re-send it even if there was no change. 0 means no refresh of idetical0fullDiscoveryMinFULL_DISCOVERY_MINThe time interval in minutes for sending to the instance a full inventory of items1440readCommandSecREAD_COMMAND_SECThe time interval in seconds during which the informer looks for command coming from the instance60heartbeatMinHEARTBEAT_MINThe time interval for sending a payload of the cluster CI, if no other change has happened. Relevant only to the standalone mode5proxyUrlPROXY_URLIf access from the cluster to the internet requires a proxy, the proxy URL should be in the format http://proxy_host:proxy_portNonemaxQueueSizeBytesMAX_QUEUE_SIZE_BYTESThe max allowed size of the in-memory queue holding outgoing messages to the instance in standalone mode. If the queue is overflowed, we start to drop messages262144000maxRetryMAX_RETRYThe retry count on failures to send messages to the instance. If we exceed this number, the message is dropped5maxEccPayloadSizeBytesMAX_ECC_PAYLOAD_SIZE_BYTESThe maximum size of the payload on a single ECC input message1048576continuousDiscoveryCONTINUOUS_DISCOVERYShould the informer report to the instance on changes in real-time mode. If false, the informer will report only during full-discoverytrueinstanceCredSecretNameN/A (change directly in the yaml)The prefix of the secret holding the instance credentials. keys are .user and .password cpuLimitN/A (change directly in the yaml)The CPU limit for the informer pod500mcpuRequestN/A (change directly in the yaml) The CPU request for the informer pod100mmemoryRequestN/A (change directly in the yaml) The memory request for the informer pod200MimemoryLimitN/A (change directly in the yaml) The memory limit for the informer podNonednsPolicyN/A (change directly in the yaml)See options in true, the informer prints messages per every object processedfalsecustomClusterRoleN/A (change directly in the yaml) Override this value if you want to use a pre-defined clusterRole and not the one defined by ServiceNow in this helm chartNoneskipTLSCertificateValidationSKIP_TLS_CERT_VALIDATIONSkip certificate validation on the https calls to the ServiceNow instance false suppressFrequentChangesSUPPRESS_FREQUENT_CHANGESShould we suppress and not report on frequent changes true suppressChangesRatePerMinSUPPRESS_CHANGES_RATE_PER_MINThreshold of rate of changes per minute above which changes will be suppressed 0.15 secretProviderN/AOptions: empty value: secrets stored in Kubernetes, aws: secret is stored in AWS secret manager None awsSecretManagerRoleArnN/Aif AWS Secret manager is used, this should hold the ARN of the role for accessing the secret (e.g. arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/EKSSecrets) None awsSecretManagerSecretArnN/Aif AWS Secret manager is used, this should hold the secret ARN (e.g. arn:aws:secretsmanager:eu-central-1:123456789012:secret:aws-secrets-7vzPh1) None openShiftOPENSHIFTShould be true if informer is installed in OpenShift and we need to bring OpenShift specific resources false addNodeLabelsADD_NODE_LABELSShould the system bring the node labels and annotations to the CMDB instanceCredentials.usernameN/AThe instance username. Will be stored in a Kubernetes secret None instanceCredentials.passwordN/AThe instance password. Will be stored in a Kubernetes secret None clusterResourceIdCLUSTER_RESOURCE_IDthe Kubernetes cloud resource ID, in case the cluster is hosted in EKS, AKS, or GKEExamples:EKS: arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:123456779012:cluster/my-clusterAKS: /subscriptions/061b9311-9c54-4471-9a59-4909517d6f07/resourceGroups/qe_group/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters/mycluster None Parameters available from version 2.1.1 and above createServerCiCREATE_SERVER_CIShould the informer create cmdb_ci_linux_server CI per each of the Kubernetes nodes true includeLabelsAndAnnotationsINCLUDE_LABELS_AND_ANNOTATIONSComma separated list of labels and annotation the system should bring to the CMDB. Empty list means all None excludeLabelsAndAnnotationsEXCLUDE_LABELS_AND_ANNOTATIONSComma separated list of labels and annotations we should not bring to the CMDB None getClusterVersionGET_CLUSTER_VERSIONShould the system populate the cluster_version field in cmdb_ci_kubernetes_cluster CI false commonLabelsN/ALabels common to resources installed with the informer. For example: --set commonLabels.mylabel1=value1 --set commonLabels.mylabel2=value2 None commonAnnotationsN/AAnnotations common to resources installed with the informer. For example: --set commonAnnotations.anno1=value1 None additionalResourcesN/AAdditional resources to bring into the CMDB. See details KB1638668 None