%0A not creating new lines when passed in sysparm parameter of urlIssue 1) enter url below into address bar2) instance_name/nav_to.do?uri=%2Fincident.do%3Fsys_id%3D-1%26sysparm_query%3Ddescription%3Dline1%0Aline23) observe the incident is created and description field is populated with line1line24) instead of --> line1-->line2ReleaseAllCause%0A is encoded character for newline. But we decode it before sending it to server. So it becomes \n while the url is being sent, which is unencoded.ResolutionFor resolution we need to encode the % too. We should be using %250A instead of %0A for new line. working url: instance/now/nav/ui/classic/params/target/incident.do%3Fsys_id%3D-1%26sysparm_query%3Ddescription%3Dline1%250Aline2