Tables in with sensitive dataSummaryA few of our customers reach us regarding what data they can categorize to be sensitive. To be honest, it totally depends upon their business protocols. However, the following list of tables is usually specific to sensitive information about their users. You can refer them to start with: sc_item_optiontasksys_usersc_multi_row_question_answersys_attachmentsc_cat_itemsys_user_groupsys_journal_fieldsys_emailsysapproval_approversys_user_delegatecore_companycmn_departmentcmn_notif_messagecmn_schedulesys_auditsys_user_rolesys_user_preferencesys_user_sessioncmn_locationcmn_schedule_spancmn_cost_centercmn_schedule_blackoutRelated LinksNOTE: This is customer specific & this article doesn't confirm that the rest of the tables have insensitive data. This list is just for our customers to refer to if they missed any.