Can't add Relations for CMDB tables in IHUB ETL if they aren't classesLet's say you are trying to add/establish a relationship between CMDB extended tables that are not Classes, but you are unable to add it via IntegrationHub ETL IntegrationHub ETL > Transform Map > Select CMDB Classes to Map Source Data > Add Class. Neither are able to find anything relevant in the Product Documentation for IntegrationHub ETL: This is an expected behaviour. The idea is that, IntegrationHub ETL is merely an interface for RTE & anything that isn't applicable in RTE with respect to CMDB, IHUB ETL can't perform it. Not every table can be related. Let's say there is an extended table cmdb_ip_address_dns_name. Since it's not really a class, it's not reflected in the CI Class Manager as well. Hence, if it's not possible on the CMDB level, it can't be reflected at the IHUB-ETL level as well. As you are aware, IHUB ETL only reflects such feasibility if it can be done in the CI Class Manager. Also, as the name "Add Class" suggests, you can add a class there.Even in the CMDB level, when you navigate to the CI Class Manager, where you will be able to extended classes, you'll only find the classes & not the non-class tables. Simply put, it's not possible