Configuring Agent Assist in new UI Builder record pageInstructionsIf you need to configure Agent Assist in Service Operations workspace please refer to the following documentation: SRP RecordRecord SNC This guide is intended only for the new Single Record Page (SRP) in customer created UI Builder workspaces. In order to identify is Record page SRP or not please examine how sidebar is implemented: Old Record page - KB0995963New Single Record Page (SRP) If page you are editing is SRP, please follow the steps outlined below: Navigate to UI Builder.Select Experience where Record page on which you would like to configure Agent Assist is located.Select Record page.Select "Client state" button:Create new client state property with the following setup: Name - agentAssistConfigurationsType - JSONInitial value - key-value pair between table id and Sys ID of table configuration to use. Add this for all table for which you would like to display Agent Assist: In the left hand side content tree scroll down to "Tab sidebar" and select it.In the right hand side component configuration pane select "Settings" for "Agent Assist tab":Hover over "Hide tab" field until buttons for configuring the value become visible. Select "Use Script":Use the following script: /** * @param {params} params * @param {api} params.api * @param {TransformApiHelpers} params.helpers */ function evaluateProperty({api, helpers}) { const agentAssistTables = Object.keys(api.state.agentAssistConfigurations); const table = api.context.props.table; return agentAssistTables.indexOf(table) === -1; } Save new "Hide tab" setup.In the left hand side content tree select "Agent Assist tab item".In the right hand side component configuration pane select "Table config" field to unlock it.Over over "Table config" field until buttons for configuring the value become visible. Select "Use Script":Use the following script: /** * @param {params} params * @param {api} params.api * @param {TransformApiHelpers} params.helpers */ function evaluateProperty({api, helpers}) { const agentAssistConfigurations = api.state.agentAssistConfigurations; const table = api.context.props.table; return agentAssistConfigurations[table]; } Apply new "Table config" setup.Save the Record page.Clear UI Builder cache by selecting Open menu > Developer > Clear UI Builder cache: Hard refresh Record page in workspace if you already had it opened: Cmd + Shift + R on Mac and Ctrl + Shift + R on Windows.