Mandatory Fields not working on Notification preferencesDescriptionWhen setting a notification preferences field to mandatory via dictionary, the instance allows it to be saved in advanced preferences-> now/platform-notifications/platform-notifications pageSteps to Reproduce 1. Go to sys_notif_subscription list table2. Select configure dictionary and then select either conditions (Label=Send when) or devices (Label=send to)3. Make either conditions (Label=Send when) or devices (Label=send to) mandatory flag enabled4. Login as ITIL user or impersonate any similar5. Select Preferences in the top right icon6. Click on notifications4. Select advanced preferences link that will open the /now/platform-notifications/platform-notifications page5. Make sure the allow notifications flag is enabled (set to true)6. Click on create notification in the middle tab custom notifications7. Personal Notification Name = test8. Notification affected, any such as 'Location affected' and click on Next9. Select Email = Primary email or the one the user has by default10. Select any schedule without conditions (send when) and you will see it allows to save even if field is mandatory11. Go to the standard form of the record created on step 10 or create a new record without specifying the mandatory field from step 3 and you will find out it does not allow the save the form (expected behaviour) showing errorThe following mandatory fields are not filled in: xxxxxWorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form to be notified when more information will become available. Since now/platform-notifications/ is a form that actually does not validate the mandatory fields set in the dictionary, it is advised to use to standard in the meantime.Related Problem: PRB1747215