Prioritize Advanced Work Assignment (AWA) over Human Resources: Core workflow to assign an agent to HR casesDescriptionWhile using Advanced Work Assignment (AWA) for HR Cases, the HR Case is being auto-assigned via AWA to an agent BEFORE the correct skill can get attached to the HR Case. There are 2 Business Rules on the sn_hr_core_case table that are invoking workflow to assign an Agent to a HR case. 1. Skill determination for HR Cases in the scoped app Advanced Work Assignment for HRSM with order 1002. Auto Assign in Human Resources: Core scoped app with order 1010 Due to lower order on the 1st BR, the Agent assigned by 1st BR is overridden by 2nd BR in the sn_hr_core_case.assigned_to fieldSteps to Reproduce Step1: Create a Skill HR Portal in cmn_skill,assignment rule, Queue, enable Skill Determination for HR cases BR, define skill determination rule with HR Portal skillStep2: Impersonate as User1 who does not have HR Portal skill, go to HR Agent Workspace and set the status to be AvailableStep3: End Impersonation, goto ASC portal, search for General HR InquiryStep 4: create a case for User2. Now see the case gets assigned to User1 even though User1 does not have HR Portal skill.For more details, please refer to Customer case task: CSTASK773430 WorkaroundHuman Resources: Core provides Auto Assign business rule to auto assign available agents to a HR case. Advanced Work Assignment (AWA) plugin provides a business rule for auto assigning agents to a HR case not just based on their availability but also based on Skill matching between Agents and HR case. If both plugins are installed, 2 business rules would be executed to assign an agent to a case using respective workflows and an agent assigned by last run Business rule would prevail. If Advanced Work Assignment (AWA) plugin is to be used for Agent assignment to HR cases, The solution would be to set the order of the AWA provided BR: Skill determination for HR Cases to be after Human Resources: Core provided BR: Auto Assign (i.e Order to be 1011) Related Problem: PRB1746957