VR - Unassign seems to be unassigning to a random Assignment groupIssue After requesting an unassign and approving the request it assigns the vulnerable item to a random assignment group When selecting 'Unassign' button on sn_vul_vulnerable_item table record1. It unassigns on the record but not in the XML2. It later reassigns to the same group as before CauseIf you check the xml, please notice below 2 fields<assignment_rule display_value="">#####</assignment_rule><assignment_type>1</assignment_type>When we unassigned the VIT, The VIT got assigned to another assignment group through assignment rulesIf assignment rule matched to the VIT and thus VIT got assigned to another assignment group.ResolutionThis is expected, if there are assignment rules which match the VIT, the VIT will get assigned according to the assignment rules.