Jira Spoke - Not properly pulling Project Key, Issue Type and PrioritySummaryIssue: Project Key, Issue Type, and Priority are not coming in as expected when the test button is clicked from the 'Create Issue' flow action. Most Probable Cause: - Check if the JIRA setup is configured with valid credentials. - Test the setup with the same credentials in POSTMAN or in any other tool outside the ServiceNow instance and confirm if a successful response with values is received in the response from JIRARelated Links- JIRA can return success response code 200 like below even if a ServiceNow instance tries to make an API call using the incorrect credential, in such a scenario JIRA will return an empty response body however if you notice the response header you can find the keyword X-Seraph-Loginreason=AUTHENTICATED_FAILED hence it is important to validate if the connections credentials are valid by testing them outside ServiceNow and ensuring response body contains values to rule out if its an issue in the instance set up or not. Sample API Request : https://XXX.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/createmeta?projectKeys=createmeta&expand=projects.issuetypes.fields Request Body: {authorization=Basic amlyYS5pbnRlZ3JhdGlv50LnR2OkFUQ1RUM3hGZkdOMFJUXduYXdQTlFwd3MxMkZFFSVkU0R0xXalFyUFB3Tk5GSlpoNWtjclhnNmVlNWhSclBIND00QjM0QjQ1RA==, X-SNC-INTEGRATION-SOURCE=861238251db247082ffa236bf61992, User-Agent=ServiceNow/1.0, Host=xxxx.atlassian.net} Response Header: {Date=Thu, 29 Feb 2024 18:40:48 GMT, Content-Type=application/json;charset=UTF-8, Server=AtlassianEdge, Timing-Allow-Origin=*, X-Arequestid=5ea615c92f019fb289d39142340462fd, X-Seraph-Loginreason=AUTHENTICATED_FAILED, Set-Cookie=atlassian.xsrf.token=ec09461f01bde810a9d89fd7e_lout; Path=/; SameSite=None; Secure, Cache-Control=no-cache, no-store, no-transform, Vary=Accept-Encoding, X-Content-Type-Options=nosniff, X-Xss-Protection=1; mode=block, Atl-Traceid=85b08f19d9034d9e9f53781b08cebc8c, Report-To={"endpoints": [{"url": "https://openk.cloudfront.net"}], "group": "endpoint-1", "include_subdomains": true, "max_age": 600}, Nel={"failure_fraction": 0.001, "include_subdomains": true, "max_age": 600, "report_to": "endpoint-1"}, Strict-Transport-Security=max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload, Transfer-Encoding=chunked} Response Body: {"expand":"projects","projects":[]} - Enabling the below properties would help to capture the detailed API request and response details in the "sys_outbound_http_log" table, which could give more information about the API requests/responses that are sent to JIRA . NameTypeValue glide.rest.debugtrue|falsetrueglide.rest.outbound.debugtrue|falsetrueglide.outbound_http_log.overridetrue|falsetrueglide.outbound_http_log.override.levelStringallglide.outbound_http.content.max_limitinteger1000 - Also, enabling the below Flow Designer system properties would provide more details which can help to narrow down the issue➜ com.glide.hub.flow_engine.listener_trace.thresholdDEBUG➜ com.glide.hub.flow_engine.debugtrue➜ com.snc.process_flow.reporting.levelDeveloper Trace - How To Set Up Jira Service Management spoke