Inserted Quick messages not visible in html editor but sent in sys_email record via Agent workspaceDescriptionWhen inserting certain HTML content from quick messages, the email client in workspace does not show the content.However, checking the sys_email sent record, it shows it causing confusion as sometimes external email clients such as outlook show the reply with the content inserted as many times as the end user clicked on insert without seeing the content in the composer (email client)Steps to Reproduce 1. Create canned quick message for any OOB table such as incident2. Write or paste any content 3. Save the records and go to Agent workspace4. Open any active incident5. Open the Email client and click on source code button < > from the HTML editor in the body field6. Insert the next content: <style><p>test</p><p>test</p> and click on save7. You will notice that content stays in workspace (it is fixed if you follow same steps using non-workspace interface)8. Important: Without focusing on email body textarea, Select a quick message and click on insert, you will the quick message not visible9. Click again and you will still see canned message not inserted yet. You can even select many quick messages to insert but nothing is added to email client.10. Send the email9. Search for the sys_email record either as sent or send-ready10. You will see the quick message in the email body_html field in the xml version of the sys_email record many times inserted11. Customer reported that when users forwarded or replied the affected messages it shows the content invisible in the email clientWorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this article to be notified when more information becomes available. There are three choices for a workaround in the meantime: Ask end users of email client to make sure they click on the email client body html editor before inserting the quick message contentUse page from classic interface without Agent WorkspaceClick on the source code button < > of the html edit and correct unclosed tags such as <style> by either removing it or by adding a closing tag such as </style>, </span> , </p> , etc.Related Problem: PRB1742573