IHub Flow not passing the complete table name while fetching remote recordsSummaryIssue: In a flow created, it needs to fetch remote records from a table available in a remote instance. However, the table name is not getting passed properly even after being selected multiple times. Actual Table Name: "u_kb_template_kcs_how_to_for_lightstep_incident_resp" Table Name Passed: "u_kb_temple_kcs_how_to_for_lightstep_i" Cause: In the outbound HTTP logs also we can see the truncated Table name reflects. This is due to the remote_table column having a max length less than the length of the table name passed. The max length is 40 by default. Resolution: Update the max length of the Remote Table column name based on the Model for which the issue is seen. https://<instancename>.service-now.com/sys_hub_action_input_list.do?sysparm_nostack=true&sysparm_query=element%3Dremote_table&sysparm_first_row=1&sysparm_view=