Combine two variables in a Remote Task Transform img { border: 5px solid #555; } Ensure the Remote Task Definition defines both fields inbound for the side that will combine them. Only the one field that will have the transform should be set to insert or insert/update; the other field should be set to Never. In this example, I am using the Number and Description fields with Number set to Never. Look at the remote task variables related list on the RTD and save the field name for the field set to Never above. In my case it is the Number field. E.g. number2ef533e3c300c210a616d54a050131b1 Create an Advanced inbound transform on the field that is set to insert. My field is Description. In the script field, use the provided object_data.remote_task_vars object to read in the value of the Number field. Use the field name from step #2 above. The output will look like this for my script. *To send a pair of fields already combined to a target you can define the single field as an outbound and then use an outbound transform to combine it with another field from the parent task. E.g. Assuming the same fields from above I would define Description as an outbound variable and then put the following in the script of the outbound Transform. output.value = object_data.parent.number + ':' + input.value;