<h2>Washington DC release notes</h2><br/><div style="overflow-x:auto"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"><head><meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /><meta name="copyright" content="(C) Copyright 2024" /><meta name="DC.rights.owner" content="(C) Copyright 2024" /><meta name="generator" content="DITA-OT" /><meta name="DC.type" content="concept" /><meta name="DC.title" content="Washington DC release notes" /><meta name="abstract" content="The ServiceNow Washington DC release includes new products and applications, as well as additional features and fixes for existing products. Read the release notes to learn about the release, prepare for your upgrade, and upgrade your instance." /><meta name="description" content="The ServiceNow Washington DC release includes new products and applications, as well as additional features and fixes for existing products. Read the release notes to learn about the release, prepare for your upgrade, and upgrade your instance." /><meta name="DC.creator" content="ServiceNow" /><meta name="DC.date.created" content="2023-02-02" /><meta name="DC.date.modified" content="2024-12-05" /><meta name="DC.format" content="XHTML" /><meta name="DC.identifier" content="family-release-notes" /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../CSS/commonltr.css" /><title>Washington DC release notes</title></head><body class="overview" id="family-release-notes"> <h1 class="title topictitle1" id="ariaid-title1"><span class="ph"><span class="ph">Washington DC</span> release notes</span></h1> <div class="body conbody"><p class="shortdesc">The <span class="ph">ServiceNow®</span> <span class="ph">Washington DC</span> release includes new products and applications, as well as additional features and fixes for existing products. Read the release notes to learn about the release, prepare for your upgrade, and upgrade your instance.</p> <div class="section" id="family-release-notes__section_zzb_g2w_smb"><h2 class="title sectiontitle"><span class="ph">Washington DC</span> highlights</h2><p class="p"><img class="image" id="family-release-notes__image_yfh_ybd_t1c" src="image/release-highlights-washingtondc.png" alt="Increase productivity with intelligence and automation. Connect teams and surface insights on a single platform. Accelerate agility with effective and accurate service delivery." /></p> </div> <div class="section" id="family-release-notes__section_hkk_zmd_tmb"><h2 class="title sectiontitle">Path to successful upgrades</h2> <p class="p">Upgrading your instance involves planning, testing, and validation. The release notes guide you through completing all of the phases and tasks for a successful upgrade.</p> <div class="p"><div class="fig fignone" id="family-release-notes__fig_jz2_1nd_tmb"> <img class="image" id="family-release-notes__image_kz2_1nd_tmb" width="750" src="image/path-to-successful-upgrades-light-green.png" alt="Seven steps for a successful upgrade" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section" id="family-release-notes__section_hzr_1nd_tmb"><h2 class="title sectiontitle">Start your upgrade journey</h2> <p class="p">To use the release notes in your upgrade process, choose the upgrade phase that you're ready to start with. It's recommended you complete the phases in the order listed. For a guide to the redesigned release notes experience, see <a class="xref" href="concept/rn-getting-started-landing-page.html" title="Learn how to navigate the redesigned release notes and find the information you're looking for.">Using the release notes</a>.</p> <div class="p"> <div class="tablenoborder"><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" summary="" id="family-release-notes__table_fxj_bnd_tmb" class="table nav-card" frame="void" border="1" rules="all"><colgroup><col style="width:33.33333333333333%" /><col style="width:33.33333333333333%" /><col style="width:33.33333333333333%" /></colgroup><tbody class="tbody"><tr class="row"><td class="entry nocellnorowborder" style="vertical-align:top;"><p class="p"><a class="xref" href="concept/rn-learn-landing-page.html" title="The Washington DC release includes new features and improvements built on the Now Platform."><span class="ph nav-card-title">Learn about <span class="ph">Washington DC</span> </span> <img class="image" id="family-release-notes__image_txk_1sw_smb" src="image/learn.png" alt="icon for the tile Learn about Washington DC" /> <span class="ph">Find out what's new and changed in <span class="ph">Washington DC</span> </span></a></p> </td><td class="entry nocellnorowborder" style="vertical-align:top;"><p class="p"><a class="xref" href="concept/rn-prepare-landing-page.html" title="Before each upgrade, refresh your memory on general upgrade information, learn which important pre- and post- upgrade tasks apply to your upgrade, and learn how to use ServiceNow products and tools to make your experience easier."><span class="ph nav-card-title">Prepare your upgrade</span> <img class="image" id="family-release-notes__image_uxk_1sw_smb" src="image/prepare.png" alt="icon for the tile Prepare your upgrade" /> <span class="ph">Choose the target version and prepare for your upgrade</span></a></p> </td><td class="entry nocellnorowborder" style="vertical-align:top;"><p class="p"><a class="xref" href="upgrades/concept/upgrades-overview.html" title="Upgrading and patching your instance requires planning, testing, and validation. To ensure a safe and effective upgrade, read the release notes, create upgrade plans, and test your upgrade on non-production instances before upgrading your production instance."><span class="ph nav-card-title">Upgrade to <span class="ph">Washington DC</span> </span> <img class="image" id="family-release-notes__image_vxk_1sw_smb" src="image/upgrade.png" alt="icon for the tile Upgrade to Washington DC" /> <span class="ph">Review the process and upgrade your instance</span></a></p> </td></tr></tbody></table> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section" id="family-release-notes__section_zbw_bnd_tmb"><h2 class="title sectiontitle">Release timeline</h2> <p class="p">New <span class="ph">Washington DC</span> release versions are released throughout the year. Here are the current dates for <span class="ph">Washington DC</span> patch and security patch releases. To view a full list of <span class="ph">Washington DC</span> release versions, refer to <a class="xref" href="available-versions.html" title="The Washington DC family includes patches and hotfixes.">Available patches and hotfixes</a>. Future release dates are subject to change.</p> <div class="p"><div class="fig fignone"> </div> </div> <div class="p"><div class="fig fignone" id="family-release-notes__fig_yqs_fx3_41c"> <img class="image" id="family-release-notes__image_zqs_fx3_41c" width="750" src="image/release-timeline-washingtondc-legacy.png" alt="Washington DC release timeline for the year of 2024" /> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section" id="family-release-notes__section_cym_4nd_tmb"><h2 class="title sectiontitle">Maximize your release notes value</h2> <p class="p">Learn how to navigate the redesigned release notes and find the information you’re looking for. Use new release notes tools to improve your upgrade experience.</p> <p class="p"><span>How to use release notes</span> </p> </div> <div class="section" id="family-release-notes__section_hx4_pnd_tmb"><h2 class="title sectiontitle">Release notes tools</h2> <p class="p">We've created some tools to help you review the release notes and upgrade more quickly and efficiently. For more information, see <a class="xref" href="concept/rn-features-overview.html" title="Enhance your upgrade experience with configurable release notes that fit your unique upgrade scenario. Assemble product information, fixes included in your targeted release version, and upgrade tasks to streamline your upgrade preparation, even when you skip a family release.">Build your own release notes</a>.</p> <div class="p"><dl class="dl"> <dt class="dt dlterm">Release notes summaries</dt> <dd class="dd"><p class="p">If you're interested in a specific set of release notes information, we've displayed release notes for all products by category. For example, you can read about the browser requirements for all <span class="ph">Washington DC</span> products, all on one page.</p> </dd> <dt class="dt dlterm">Personalized PRB release notes</dt> <dd class="dd"><p class="p">Generate a cumulative list of all the problems that are fixed in an upgrade from your current release version to any available target version.</p> </dd> <dt class="dt dlterm">Combined product release notes for cross-family upgrades</dt> <dd class="dd"><p class="p">View all release notes information for any product, from any family release version to another, on one page.</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <div class="p">To check out the release notes tools available for your upgrade scenario, choose your upgrade path to <span class="ph">Washington DC</span>. <ul class="ul" id="family-release-notes__ul_oyx_fq5_hpb"><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="concept/rn-n-1-landing-page.html" title="When you upgrade from the Vancouver release, understand the fixes in each release version, notable changes for the user interface, browser support, plugin updates, and each feature's upgrade and migration tasks if applicable.">Release notes for upgrading from <span class="ph">Vancouver</span></a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="concept/rn-n-2-landing-page.html" title="When you upgrade from the Utah release, understand the fixes in each release version, notable changes for the user interface, browser support, plugin updates, and each feature's upgrade and migration tasks if applicable.">Release notes for upgrading from <span class="ph">Utah</span></a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="concept/rn-n-3-landing-page.html" title="When you upgrade from the Tokyo release, understand the fixes in each release version, notable changes for the user interface, browser support, plugin updates, and each feature's upgrade and migration tasks if applicable.">Release notes for upgrading from <span class="ph">Tokyo</span></a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="available-versions.html" title="The Washington DC family includes patches and hotfixes."><span class="ph">Washington DC</span> patch and hotfix release notes</a></li></ul> </div> </div> <div class="section products-list" id="family-release-notes__section_vpq_1j1_pjb"><h2 class="title sectiontitle">Choose your upgrade path to <span class="ph">Washington DC</span></h2> <div class="p"><ul class="ul" id="family-release-notes__ul_od3_cj1_pjb"><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="concept/rn-n-1-landing-page.html" title="When you upgrade from the Vancouver release, understand the fixes in each release version, notable changes for the user interface, browser support, plugin updates, and each feature's upgrade and migration tasks if applicable.">Release notes for upgrading from <span class="ph">Vancouver</span></a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="concept/rn-n-2-landing-page.html" title="When you upgrade from the Utah release, understand the fixes in each release version, notable changes for the user interface, browser support, plugin updates, and each feature's upgrade and migration tasks if applicable.">Release notes for upgrading from <span class="ph">Utah</span></a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="concept/rn-n-3-landing-page.html" title="When you upgrade from the Tokyo release, understand the fixes in each release version, notable changes for the user interface, browser support, plugin updates, and each feature's upgrade and migration tasks if applicable.">Release notes for upgrading from <span class="ph">Tokyo</span></a></li><li class="li"><a class="xref" href="available-versions.html" title="The Washington DC family includes patches and hotfixes."><span class="ph">Washington DC</span> patch and hotfix release notes</a></li></ul> </div> </div> </div> </body></html></div>