<h2>Content Management and Service Portal</h2><br/><div style="overflow-x:auto"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"><head><meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /><meta name="copyright" content="(C) Copyright 2025" /><meta name="DC.rights.owner" content="(C) Copyright 2025" /><meta name="generator" content="DITA-OT" /><meta name="DC.type" content="concept" /><meta name="DC.title" content="Content Management and Service Portal" /><meta name="abstract" content="Service Portal is a compelling alternative to the Content Management System (CMS) with a refined user experience. It does not duplicate CMS or platform UI functionality. Users who have sophisticated experiences delivered through CMS may need to invest time into transitioning to Service Portal, especially if the CMS implementation includes complex and customized Service Catalog forms." /><meta name="description" content="Service Portal is a compelling alternative to the Content Management System (CMS) with a refined user experience. It does not duplicate CMS or platform UI functionality. Users who have sophisticated experiences delivered through CMS may need to invest time into transitioning to Service Portal, especially if the CMS implementation includes complex and customized Service Catalog forms." /><meta name="DC.subject" content="Service Portal, CMS" /><meta name="keywords" content="Service Portal, CMS" /><meta name="DC.relation" scheme="URI" content="../../../build/service-portal/concept/sp-what-to-know.html" /><meta name="DC.relation" scheme="URI" content="../../../administer/navigation-and-ui/concept/c_NavigationAndTheUserInterface.html" /><meta name="DC.relation" scheme="URI" content="../../../administer/general/concept/configure-uis-and-portals.html" /><meta name="DC.relation" scheme="URI" content="../../../build/service-portal/concept/c_ServicePortal.html" /><meta name="DC.relation" scheme="URI" content="../../../build/service-portal/concept/exploring-service-portal.html" /><meta name="DC.relation" scheme="URI" content="../../../build/service-portal/concept/cms-sp-migrate.html" /><meta name="DC.creator" content="ServiceNow" /><meta name="DC.date.created" content="2023-08-03" /><meta name="DC.date.modified" content="2024-02-01" /><meta name="mini-toc" content="yes" /><meta name="DC.format" content="XHTML" /><meta name="DC.identifier" content="c_CMSAndSP" /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../../CSS/commonltr.css" /><title>Content Management and Service Portal</title></head><body id="c_CMSAndSP"> <div class="breadcrumb"><a class="link" href="../../../administer/navigation-and-ui/concept/c_NavigationAndTheUserInterface.html" title="Interact with Now Platform applications and data in the way that works best for you.">Configure user experiences</a> > <a class="link" href="../../../administer/general/concept/configure-uis-and-portals.html" title="Customize your interface to create an efficient, unique experience for users and customers.">Configure UIs and portals</a> > <a class="link" href="../../../build/service-portal/concept/c_ServicePortal.html" title="Service Portal allows you to build a mobile-friendly self-service portal experience for your employees or customers. Service Portal is a Now Platform feature that is active by default and interacts with parts of the platform so users can access platform features through portals.">Service Portal</a> > <a class="link" href="../../../build/service-portal/concept/exploring-service-portal.html" title="Whether you're adapting a base system portal or developing a custom portal, learn more about the available features that help you provide a self-service portal that drives productivity and satisfaction for your employees or customers.">Exploring Service Portal</a> > </div> <h1 class="title topictitle1" id="ariaid-title1">Content Management and <span class="ph">Service Portal</span></h1> <div class="body conbody"><p class="shortdesc"><span class="ph">Service Portal</span> is a compelling alternative to the Content Management System (CMS) with a refined user experience. It does not duplicate CMS or platform UI functionality. Users who have sophisticated experiences delivered through CMS may need to invest time into transitioning to <span class="ph">Service Portal</span>, especially if the CMS implementation includes complex and customized <span class="ph">Service Catalog</span> forms.</p> <div class="section"><h2 class="title sectiontitle"><span class="ph">Service Portal</span> compatibility with existing CMS sites</h2> <p class="p"><span class="ph">ServiceNow</span> continues to support CMS in current and upcoming releases. If you have existing CMS sites and activate <span class="ph">Service Portal</span> on your instance, your CMS sites will continue to work, as CMS and <span class="ph">Service Portal</span> are separate applications.</p> </div> <div class="section"><h2 class="title sectiontitle">Differences between <span class="ph">Service Portal</span> and CMS</h2> <p class="p"><span class="ph">Service Portal</span> is an alternative to CMS based on more modern technologies. Major differences include:</p> <div class="p"><dl class="dl"> <dt class="dt dlterm">Underlying technology</dt> <dd class="dd">CMS uses Jelly, which is not a widely used technology. <span class="ph">Service Portal</span> instead uses <a class="xref" href="https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/introduction" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">AngularJS</a>, server-side JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Any scripts that use Jelly do not work in <span class="ph">Service Portal</span>. Building widgets in <span class="ph">Service Portal</span> requires knowledge of AngularJS.</dd> <dt class="dt dlterm">Visual layer</dt> <dd class="dd">CMS uses iFrames which can be difficult to work with, limited in terms of styling, and susceptible to upgrade issues. Alternatively, <span class="ph">Service Portal</span> is a self-contained application that accesses data from other tables on the platform. This enables fine-tuned control over style and responsive design.</dd> <dt class="dt dlterm">Mobile first</dt> <dd class="dd">Unlike CMS, <span class="ph">Service Portal</span> is optimized for a mobile environment. For this reason, the following apply to the <span class="ph">Service Portal</span> environment:<div class="p"><ul class="ul" id="c_CMSAndSP__ul_ayt_jfm_mbb"><li class="li">Any scripts used in <span class="ph">Service Portal</span> can only use APIs supported in a mobile environment. For example, some APIs used in your <span class="ph">Service Catalog</span> client scripts may not be supported. For a list of supported APIs, see <a class="xref" href="unsupported_client_scripts.html" title="You can use client scripts and catalog client scripts in the Service Portal if the UI Type is set to Mobile / Service Portal or All. Client scripts and catalog client scripts are used with the Form widget and SC Catalog Item widget, as opposed to a widget client controller.">Service Portal and client scripts</a>.</li><li class="li"><span class="ph">Service Portal</span> forms support a maximum of two-columns. As a result, any highly customized <span class="ph">Service Catalog</span> forms, such as catalog items and record producers that use containers and variable sets, must be simplified to work in a two-column layout.</li></ul> </div> <p class="p">If transitioning to Service Portal, review the following resource: <a class="xref" href="../script/client-scripts/reference/r_MobilePlatformMigrationImpacts.dita/r_MobilePlatformMigrationImpacts.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Mobile client GlideForm (g form) scripting and migration</a>.</p> </dd> </dl> </div> <p class="p">To understand how core CMS components are configured in <span class="ph">Service Portal</span>, refer to the following table.</p> <div class="p"> <div class="tablenoborder"><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" summary="" id="c_CMSAndSP__table_oys_yth_cbb" class="table" frame="border" border="1" rules="all"><caption><span class="tablecap"><span class="table--title-label">Table 1. </span>CMS and Service Portal components</span></caption><colgroup><col style="width:30.48780487804878%" /><col style="width:69.51219512195121%" /></colgroup><thead class="thead" style="text-align:left;"><tr class="row"><th class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" id="d313536e205">CMS component</th><th class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" id="d313536e208"><p class="p"><span class="ph">Service Portal</span> equivalent</p> </th></tr></thead><tbody class="tbody"><tr class="row"><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d313536e205 ">Content site</td><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d313536e208 "><a class="xref" href="../task/create-a-portal.html" title="Create a portal for users to browse company resources, discover articles, and get help.">Portal</a></td></tr><tr class="row"><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d313536e205 ">Content page</td><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d313536e208 "><a class="xref" href="c_Pages.html" title="Use pages to organize content, ensure responsive mobile optimization, and design meaningful portal user experiences for your customers. A page houses containers and rows, which then contain widgets. By manipulating the layout of the page, and the widgets within it, you can construct your desired user experience.">Page</a></td></tr><tr class="row"><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d313536e205 ">Content types</td><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d313536e208 "><p class="p">Content types link a table to a content page.</p> <p class="p">In <span class="ph">Service Portal</span>, content types are no longer required. Record data is queried and displayed using base system widgets. You can add widgets to any number of <span class="ph">Service Portal</span> pages.</p> <p class="p">Learn more: <a class="xref" href="service-portal-widgets.html" title="Widgets are what define the content of your portal pages. You can use the base system widgets provided with Service Portal, clone and modify widgets, or develop custom widgets to fit your own needs.">Using portal widgets</a>.</p> </td></tr><tr class="row"><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d313536e205 ">Layout and dropzones</td><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d313536e208 "><p class="p">In <span class="ph">Service Portal</span>, pages are made up of containers, rows, and columns.</p> <p class="p">Learn more: <a class="xref" href="c_Pages.html" title="Use pages to organize content, ensure responsive mobile optimization, and design meaningful portal user experiences for your customers. A page houses containers and rows, which then contain widgets. By manipulating the layout of the page, and the widgets within it, you can construct your desired user experience.">Pages</a>.</p> </td></tr><tr class="row"><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d313536e205 ">Content block</td><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d313536e208 "><p class="p">A content block is a reusable piece of content.</p> <p class="p">In <span class="ph">Service Portal</span>, content blocks are replaced by widgets.</p> <p class="p">Learn more: <a class="xref" href="service-portal-widgets.html" title="Widgets are what define the content of your portal pages. You can use the base system widgets provided with Service Portal, clone and modify widgets, or develop custom widgets to fit your own needs.">Using portal widgets</a>.</p> </td></tr><tr class="row"><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d313536e205 "><p class="p"><span class="ph">Service Catalog</span></p> </td><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d313536e208 "><p class="p"><span class="ph">Service Catalog</span> pages are rendered using the SC Catalog Item widget in <span class="ph">Service Portal</span>. For this reason, <span class="ph">Service Catalog</span> forms such as catalog items and record producers are shared between your CMS implementation and <span class="ph">Service Portal</span>. If you have a highly customized <span class="ph">Service Catalog</span>, you may need to invest time in simplifying your <span class="ph">Service Catalog</span> items and client scripts so that they render as expected in <span class="ph">Service Portal</span>.</p> <p class="p">Learn more: <a class="xref" href="sc-forms-in-sp.html" title="Service Catalog forms are rendered within Service Portal widgets in a two-column layout. Complex forms may not display as expected.">Service Catalog forms in Service Portal</a>.</p> </td></tr><tr class="row"><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d313536e205 ">Theme</td><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d313536e208 "><a class="xref" href="c_CustomCSS.html" title="If you need more customization than Branding Editor can provide, you can create your own custom theme.">Theme</a></td></tr><tr class="row"><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d313536e205 ">CSS</td><td class="entry cellrowborder" style="vertical-align:top;" headers="d313536e208 "><a class="xref" href="portal-css.html" title="Pages are made up of containers, columns, rows, widgets, and widget instances. You can configure the CSS of each component, or use the CSS defined in theme and branding as global definitions for the portal. If you do not define CSS in theme or branding, Bootstrap defaults are used.">CSS</a></td></tr></tbody></table> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section"><h2 class="title sectiontitle">CMS and <span class="ph">Service Catalog</span> customizations</h2> <p class="p"><span class="ph">Service Portal</span> comes with base system widgets to address common use cases and to display record data. Even though there is no direct migration path from CMS to <span class="ph">Service Portal</span>, there may be some items, such as catalog items or knowledge articles, that render as expected in <span class="ph">Service Portal</span> without any effort.</p> <p class="p">However, because <span class="ph">Service Portal</span> is supported in a mobile environment, you may need to modify any customized forms and scripts. This approach ensures that the items display well on a mobile device and present a better user experience. Before transitioning to <span class="ph">Service Portal</span>, you may need to:</p> <div class="p"><ul class="ul" id="c_CMSAndSP__ul_t2j_njb_cbb"><li class="li">Refactor client scripts used in your CMS/<span class="ph">Service Catalog</span> to use supported mobile APIs and global objects. For a list of supported APIs, see <a class="xref" href="unsupported_client_scripts.html" title="You can use client scripts and catalog client scripts in the Service Portal if the UI Type is set to Mobile / Service Portal or All. Client scripts and catalog client scripts are used with the Form widget and SC Catalog Item widget, as opposed to a widget client controller.">Service Portal and client scripts</a>.</li><li class="li">Build widgets to replace UI Macros and other unsupported scripts. If using a UI Macro in a catalog item form and referencing values on the form, you can use the following workaround instead: <a class="xref" href="../task/ui-macro-widget.html" title="You can use widgets in Service Portal to replace UI Macros. If your Service Catalog form includes a UI Macro that references other fields or variables on the form, you can create a widget to hold reusable code and embed it within the Service Catalog form. Use special syntax to access any variable fields on the form.">Replace a Service Catalog form script with a widget</a>.</li><li class="li">Simplify any complex forms used in your <span class="ph">Service Catalog</span> to fit the <span class="ph">Service Portal</span> two-column form layout.</li><li class="li">Consider which release supports the required functionality. You may want to upgrade your instance before transitioning to ensure that you have the required base system features.</li></ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="related-links"> <ul class="ullinks"><li class="link ulchildlink"><strong><a href="../../../build/service-portal/concept/cms-sp-migrate.html">CMS to Service Portal transition</a></strong><br /> Your CMS may include complex forms and customizations that do not render as expected in <span class="ph">Service Portal</span>. Use this guide to understand how best to modify your CMS and <span class="ph">Service Catalog</span> implementation for <span class="ph">Service Portal</span> adoption, and to understand how a conversion may affect your users.</li></ul> <div class="familylinks"> <div class="parentlink"><strong>Parent Topic:</strong> <a class="link" href="../../../build/service-portal/concept/sp-what-to-know.html" title="Service Portal provides a modular user interface framework for quick and easy building of application portals and dashboards for the platform. It helps developers and non‑technical administrators create attractive and engaging user experiences that drive employee adoption of critical enterprise applications.">Understanding Service Portal</a></div> </div> </div></body></html></div>