What is the equivalent of "sysparm_input_display_value" for Change management APISummaryThe Change Mgmt API is different from the Table API and therefore does not support all the feature that the Table API supports. Specifically we do not support the sysparm_input_display_value=true parameter.ReleaseAll vesrionInstructions[ Please refer - DateTime value sent via REST API is not set correctly for the purpose of the sysparm_input_display_value=true parameter used in Table API. ] To fulfil this requirement in Change Management API similar to what sysparm_input_display_value=true parameter will do in Table API, You could include the following in the REST request bodyencrypted_fields="start_date,end_date". Sample Body: { "u_qs_subcategory":"manual", "start_date":"2024-01-15 10:25:45", "end_date":"2024-01-15 10:55:45", "u_configuration_item":"209023e95498d1b6bb766604bcbc3213", "encrypted_fields":"start_date,end_date" }