Understanding Google Maps APIs in geo-map component Introduction Welcome to Geo-map! This geo map component utilizes various Google Maps APIs to provide rich and interactive mapping functionalities. In this knowledge-based article, we will explore the key Google Maps APIs integrated into Geo-map, along with their usage-based pricing information. Maps - Dynamic Maps JavaScript API Product DescriptionLibraryMaps JavaScript API Geo-map relies on the Dynamic Maps JavaScript API to load dynamic maps seamlessly. This API allows for the dynamic creation and manipulation of maps, providing a foundation for the interactive features in the component. For detailed documentation and pricing information, refer to the Dynamic Maps JavaScript API Documentation @googlemaps/js-api-loader Component HandlersFeaturesModuleDefaultUsage SET_MARKER Markersgoogle.maps.MarkerEnabledBasicMarker cluster@googlemaps/markerclustererEnabledBasicCustom OverlayViewgoogle.maps.OverlayViewEnabledBasic SET_POLYLINE Polylinegoogle.maps.PolylineEnabledBasic SET_POLYGON Polygongoogle.maps.PolygonEnabledBasic SET_CIRCLE Circlegoogle.maps.CircleEnabledBasic SET_RECTANGLE Rectanglesgoogle.maps.RectangleEnabledBasic SET_DRAW_MODE SET_DRAW_OPTIONS Drawgoogle.maps.drawing.DrawingManagerDisabledBasic SET_AREA_COLOR FeatureStyleFunctiongoogle.maps.FeatureStyleFunctionOptionsDisabledBasic SET_MAP_STYLE Customize map style For a list of all available values for featureType, elementType, and stylers, see the JSON style reference.EnabledBasic UIB Map Data Broker Properties NameDescriptionTypeRequiredmapKeyValid Google Map API KeystringYesmapClientValid Google Map Client IDstringYesmapPropertiesProperties of Google Map to set when loadingarrayNomapLanguageLanguage to be used for the mapstringNomapSearchPlacesEnable Google Place Search APIbooleanYesmapEnableDrawingEnable Google Drawing ServicebooleanYesloadMapSet it to false to avoid map from loadingbooleanYeslayerInfoObject holds data for geo layersjsonN/AdrawModeInfoObject holds data from draw modejsonN/AsearchInfoObject holds data for geo map search resultsjsonN/A Places All the places API will be billed on the fields a user utilizes. For more details, please refer to this here. Component HandlersProductsDescriptionModuleDefaultUsage SEARCH_NEARBY_PLACES Nearby SearchBilling depends on the fields a user utilizes. For more details, please refer to this here google.maps.places.PlacesService(mapRef). nearbySearch DisabledBasic SEARCH_PLACES GET_PLACE_DETAILS Places DetailsBilling depends on the fields a user utilizes. For more details, please refer to this here google.maps.places.PlacesService DisabledBasic GET_LOCATIONS_BY_COORDINATE GeocodingThe Geocoding API is a service that accepts a place as an address, latitude and longitude coordinates, or Place ID. It converts the address into latitude and longitude coordinates and a Place ID, or converts latitude and longitude coordinates or a Place ID into an address. google.maps.Geocoder DisabledBasic SEARCH_PLACES Autocomplete - Per request+The Autocomplete – Per Request SKU is charged for any of these calls or requests that do not include a session token: JavaScript: the Maps JavaScript API’s Place Autocomplete service google.maps.places.AutocompleteService(). getQueryPredictions({input, langugae}) DisabledBasic Conclusion We hope this article provides a comprehensive understanding of the Google Maps APIs integrated into Geo-map. For detailed pricing information and additional details, always refer to the official Google Maps Platform Documentation. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team. Happy mapping with Geo-map