A list of potential MID Server Issues recordsIf you need more information on what to do after seeing MID Server issues record, and the issue description doesn't give enough clues, then please provide feedback on the docs page for MID Server active issues and Resolving MID Server Issues. While the main documentation is lacking this information, the aim of this list is to give a bit of a warning for the kinds of issues records that might appear in the MID Server Issue [ecc_agent_issue] table, or in Event Management Self-Health Monitoring events and alerts generated from those. Table of Contents Issues generated by the InstanceIssues generated by the MID Server Issues generated by the Instance Note: This list was compiled from instance scripts around the Vancouver/Washington DC release. It was compiled in order for custom Event Management self-health monitoring Alert rules to filter out/interpret them better, rather than to explain exactly what they are and why they happen and what the next steps would be. SourceMessageMIDResourceThresholdBreach script include: CpuMIDResourceThresholdBreach ... has exceeded threshold ( ... >= ... ) for a ... minute interval span, occurring after start date ... MemoryMIDResourceThresholdBreach... has exceeded threshold ( ... >= ... ) for a ... minute interval span, occurring after start date ...BadMIDCredentialAfterClone Script Include: InstanceCloneMID Server not operational (status: "..."), possibly due to recent clone. Verify credentials for logged in User '...'.MIDUserConnectivity Script Include: MIDUserConnectivityLogin authentication failure for User ... associated with 1 down MID Server. Check password on MID server. Login authentication failure for User ... associated with ... down MID Servers. Check password on MID servers. Login authentication failure for User ... with mid_server role not associated with a MID Server. User ... with mid_server role successfully connected but is not associated with a MID Server. The mid_server role should be reserved for MID Server use only. Login authorization failure for User ... associated with 1 down MID Server. Re-assign mid_server role to grant all required roles. Login authorization failure for User ... associated with ... down MID Servers. Re-assign mid_server role to grant all required roles. User ... with mid_server role is not associated with a MID Server. No login attempts within reporting period. User ... associated with 1 down MID Server. No login attempts within reporting period. User ... associated with ... down MID Servers. No login attempts within reporting period.MID Server Language Check Business rule: LanguageCheckSet mid server user's: ... language to English/None on the user recordMIDAssignedPackages scripted REST web service: MIDAssignedPackages32 bit MID servers are not supported. Please refer to KB0863694 for more information. JRE will not be upgarded on 32 bit Linux host machine. JRE will not be upgarded. Host glibc version does not meet minimum glibc requirement (2.17). Host glibc version is : ' + glibcVersionNotify on change of home directory Business rule: home pathThe home directory changed from ... to .... This issue must be manually resolved.Clean Non-Existent MIDs From Application Clone cleanup script: MIDApplicationCloningDefault MID server "..." for "..." MID application doesn't exist on this instance and will be removed from this application.Notify on change of JRE to bundled copy Business rule: MidJREDetected JRE switched from version ... to bundled version ...MIDServerUpgradeUtil Script include: UpgradeMID Server failed to upgradeMIDLoggedInUserRecords Script include: loggedInUserIsNotUniqueIt is not recommended to have multiple MID Servers logged in with the same MID Server username. MID Server ... has logged in with MID username ... while that username is already in use. See KB1552863 for more information.Check mid.security.validation.endpoints business rule: Check for mid.security.validation.endpointsDetected MID property mid.security.validation.endpoints is either removed or is blank. Recommended to add this value *.servicenow.com back. See KB0813636 for more detailsProcess Nmap Install Business rule: SystemCommand ...Cannot find MID server by name: ... Cannot find MID server Capability NmapPurge Orphaned Containerized MID Servers scheduled script: PurgeOrphanedContainerizedMIDWarning: The MID server will be removed after it is down for more than max retention daysMID Unique Logged In User Handler Business rule: loggedInUserIsNotUniqueIt is not recommended to have multiple MID Servers logged in with the same MID Server username. MID Server ... has logged in with MID username ... while that username is already in use. See KB1552863 for more information. Issues generated by the MID Server Note: This list was compiled from MID Server java source code around the Vancouver/Washington DC release. SourceMessageFile DiscoveryCorrupted whitelist file, forcing re-sync File discovery whitelist is missing, forcing re-sync Could not read the file discovery whitelist from file Could not close the file discovery whitelist after loading from file Failed to delete file discovery whitelist Could not create file discovery whitelist file Could not write file discovery whitelist file Could not close the file discovery whitelist after writeSignature ValidationFailed to validate certificate Found invalid certificate Self-signed certificate in use. It is not recommended! Failed to synchronize the signature validation configurationMid-EnforceSecurePackageAccessThe config parameter mid.enforce.secure.package.access is set to false. All sensitive java packages/method can be accessed from JavaScript. It's recommended to set it to true.MIDFilePermEnforcerAn unexpected error occurred: ...upgrade_blocker_check_sourceService: ... running on the MID Server host machine is identified as a MID Server upgrade blocker.MID Server Upgrade may fail if they are not configured properly, for more information, refer to KB... Services: ... running on the MID Server host machine are identified as MID Server upgrade blockers. MID Server Upgrade may fail if they are not configured properly, for more information, refer to KB...SenderFilesBacklogECC Sender files backlogged (... files present).AMBClientFailed to get AMB client session meta channel. AMB client disconnected after connecting Error during AMB initializationCodeValidationAttachment failed code signing validation, table: ..., attachment sys_id: ...Mid-CertificateExpiredATTENTION REQUIRED: Error message for Keystore: ...Certificate with commonName: '...' associated with alias: '...' has expired or expiring on : ...PowerShellInitialization sys_id of a ecc_agent_script_file(FileDownloader)Checksum validation on MID server for ... failed with checksum - ...AutoInvalidationCheckMID server has been auto-invalidated and cannot be started until auto-invalidation status is clearedH2DB FileSystemMID server has over ... H2-DB locked files in ... folder. Consider an OS restart to resolve this issueCouldn't Launch Upgrade ProcessUnable to receive upgrade process statusreinstallServiceVerificationMID Server upgrade needs to re-install the service. However, the current user is not authorized to install the service (only root/admin user has privilege). Upgrade continues WITHOUT re-installing the service which is not safe. Reinstalling the service manually is recommended. Make sure that the service is installed with the same version of MID Server wrapper. Reinstall Service verification was failed during MID Server upgrade. It is possible that a required service re-installation was skipped. Make sure that the Service is installed with the same version as MID Server after upgrade.ApplicationExperienceCheckThe Application Experience is disabled on the MID Server host, which can cause the auto-upgrade process to fail and the MID Server to go down. Enable the service on the host to ensure successful auto-upgrade.FipsFileConversionFailureAutomated FIPS file conversion has failed during upgrade. An attempt to recover by copying the existing TrustStore has been made.TrustStoreMigrationFailureException thrown while determining if TrustStore migration is required. Automated TrustStore migration has failed during upgrade. A backup of the original TrustStore for use in manual migration can be found at: ...duplicate_service_...The current service named %s does not match the expected service name %s. The current service is being stoppedThis issue must be solved by deleting the service on the host machine Service names must be unique without regard to letter case. The running service "..." and the service named "...", defined in the wrapper-override.conf, have different letter case but are not unique. This issue must be solved by manually updating the service nameStartupSequencerUnable to load key store, MID server will not able to functionan IP AddressA MID Server with a duplicate name or sys_id was prevented from connecting. Install path: .... Please refer to KB0726915/KB0743043 on how to manually resolve the issue.Kafka Event Producer Invalid MID Config Parameter Value Duplicate MID Config Parameter Value UpdatePublicKeyMID Server encryption keys do not match and are no longer valid. To restore proper functionality, invalidate and re-validate the MID Server.DiscoveryProviderFactorymid.sa.prefer_powershell or mid.use_powershell is set to false, but WMI Collector service is not available. Continue with powershell providers.ApplicationExperienceCheckThe Application Experience is disabled on the MID Server host, which can cause the auto-upgrade process to fail and the MID Server to go down. Enable the service on the host to ensure successful auto-upgrade.UpgradeCheckAborting MID Server upgrade due to pre-upgrade check failure.