'New' Button Is Not Available To Create GRC PoliciesIssue Users with the sn_compliance.user role are unable to create new policy records. CauseWe identified that the below ACL is failing at the scripted level, with the line: answer = new ComplianceUtils().verifyPolicyAccesForOtherUsers(current); The above function is doing a check a method which does not exist: sn_irm_cont_auth.AuthPackageControlProcesser().canEditCAMPolicy(policy); Policy table create ACL Link:https://<instance_name>.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=sys_security_acl.do?sys_id=1bd75c72eb1302007eafa638a206fe61ResolutionThe cause for this line to fail seems to be that the 'GRC: Policy and Compliance Management' and 'GRC: Continuous Authorization and Monitoring' have versions which are not in sync - they are 17.0.1 and 16.0.2 respectively. So when the script tries to return the value from canEditCAMPolicy function, the function is not found and the result is false. Upgrading the 'GRC: Continuous Authorization and Monitoring' plugin to the latest release will update this script include and resolve this issue for you.